Demorei... mas voltei!! hehe
E é com muita alegria que anuncio a todos vocês que....I Finished my Application - Todas Comemoram \0/
Foi difícil, mas consegui preencher tudinho. Peguei as referências pessoas, referências de experiência com kids, fiz o vídeo, a carta, enfim... Tudo! E submeti meu perfil no dia 28/03. Porém fiquei com dúvida quanto ao formulário médico, pois não tinha certeza se já deveria preencher e entregar junto com os outros documentos, pensei que tinha um prazo de validade e por isso deveria ser entregue no mínino 3 meses antes da viagem. Aí tirei cópia de tudo e entreguei na agência, perguntei sobre o formulário médico e a menina ficou de verificar... Nisso meu perfil ficou lá, parado, abandonado... :(
Depois de um tempão a menina me respondeu dizendo que o tal do formulário deveria ser entregue junto com os outros documentos para que o perfil fosse analisado.
E agora? Onde vou achar um médico pra assinar isso? Foi a pergunta que me fiz... Liguei no convênio e nada de conseguir um clinico, meu ginecologista só tinha agenda pra maio... Foi aí que tive a ideia de pedir pro médico do trabalhado da empresa onde trabalho (vai que cola?!) E não é que colou! uhuu hehe
Ele assinou e eu entreguei o bendito formulário. Só que a menina disse que só enviava documentos para a matriz da agência aqui em SP dia de terça... E que ela tinha acabado de enviar, ou seja, só iria enviar os meus na terça seguinte. E essa terça seguinte foi ontem.... A menina me disse que eles levam uns 20 dias pra analisar e deixar on line... Se tudo correr bem (e vai, se Deus quiser!!) até dia 12/05 estarei on line para as famílias! :) Não estou aguentando de ansiedade!! hehe
Agora que contei a saga pra entregar o App, vou falar sobre a Letter para a Host Family.
Enrolei um tempão pra escrever essa tal carta... Não sabia o que e como escrever... Li várias cartas de outras au pairs, mas sempre ficava com preguiça de começar a minha...
Então finalmente chegou o dia que tive que fazer... rs
Procurei dicas e achei um blog da própria agencia STB onde uma menina dava um passo a passo do que deveria ter na carta (não estou achando mais o blog :/ Se eu achar depois posto aqui) aí fui seguindo as dicas da menina e fiz minha carta! Não ficou lá estas coisas, mas dá pro gasto... Vou postar ela aqui em baixo pra vocês verem.
Depois vou postar sobre como foi pra fazer o vídeo!
Beijinhos até a próxima e fiquem com: My Letter for the Host Family! hehe
Dear host family,
My name is Priscila, I’m 24 years old and I'm from Brazil. I living in the capital of São Paulo,and I'm living with my mom, who works as a Maid diarist, and with my sister that is younger then me. My daddy doesn't live with us.
The city that I live is a big city of Brazil, where you can find a lot of kinds of museums and where there are a big garden called Parque do Ibirapuera.
I'm graduated in Human Resources, and I have studied English for 4 years. I recently did a test of proficiency in English, called TOEIC, where I was classified with intermediate English. I'm currently studying the Upper Intermetiate level in an English school very well regarded here in Brazil, called Cultura Inglesa and I still have a little trouble with listening and vocabulary, but I keep striving to improve these points.
In my free time I like to sing, surf on internet, listen to music, read books, go to gardens, ride bike, go to the beach, to go to the church and spend time with my family and friends.
Fluency in English is very important in the corporate world. And here in Brazil, the companies value highly flexible people, who likes challenges ... Thinking about my carrer and about my professional life, when I was 20 years old I decided learn English. At the English school I learned the importance of being fluent in another language and more than that, I learned the importance of learning about other curtures… After 2 years studing there I realized that unfortunately I couldn’t be fluent and know about American culture only at a English school at least not the way I wanted.
Then I searched about exchange programs and I met the au pair program, which is safe, cheap, and involves careful with children. And it was wonderful to know that I could achieve my dream to meet and learn about the U.S. and take care of children because I always liked children, and better than that living with the American family, where I could really soak in the culture and language. That's why I chose to be an Au Pair.
My experiences with children started when I was very young. when I was 14 years old I took care of a girl of 4 years old for almost a year that was my neighbor's daugther. I took care of her every day and I was responsible for giving her lunch, give bathe, play with her, and take her to school.
Thereafter I helped for a long time In the church I attend.Where there was a lot of children of all ages and I was responsible for teaching them about the Bible, teach songs, supervising their games.
In 2012 on weekends I helped a friend take care of his 5 years old son. In the begining of 2013 I helped another friend with his little daugther. In the end of 2013 I helped another friend with her daugther, the baby was 1 month old. This experieces was all on weekends, because I worked in a company and I had no time to help every day.
And my most recent experiences were with the children of a day care, there are near my house,I worked there as a volunteer for two weeks, and I was responsible for helping them in the games, giving bottles, helping to burp, by supervising in play, putting children to bed.
.You should choose me as your au pair because I will care for your child like my own kid... I am affectionate, energetic and I will do my best to be the best au pair you've had.
I hope to learn a lot about the culture of your country and teach some of my culture to you and your children. I am anxious to beat the challenges and have the best year of my life as an au pair and I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Priscila Borges
Oi Pri... uma gracinha sua cartinha.. corrigi alguns mistakes pra vc e agora ficou perfeita! Tenta editar lá no seu perfil do app...
ResponderExcluirAHHHH tirei o cheap fora - JAMAIS diga pra sua HF q vc pagou 'barato' pelo programa, temos q valorizar isso, mostrar q nós tb pagamos pra estarmos aqui! q nao somente eles pagam pra nos escolhermos! espero q entenda as outras mudanças... Beijos e boa sorte!
Dear Host Family,
My name is Priscila, I’m 24 years old and I'm from Brazil. I live in the Capital of the state of Sao Paulo. It is the biggest city in my country and is located in the Southeast. Here you can find any kind of museum and huge natural parks, like the famous garden called Ibirapuera.
I live with my mom, who works as a Maid diarist and my sister that is younger than me. My daddy doesn't live with us.
I graduated in Human Resources and I have been studying English for four years. I recently took a test of proficiency in English, called TOEIC and it classified myself as intermediate level. I'm currently studying the Upper Intermediate level in an English private school very well regarded here in Brazil, called Cultura Inglesa but I still have a little trouble with listening and some vocabulary; however, I’m keeping strive myself to improve these skills.
In my free time, I like to sing, surf on the internet, listen to music, read books, go to the parks, ride bike, go to the beach, go to church and spend time with my family and friends.
Fluency in English is very important in the corporate world. Here in Brazil, the companies value highly flexible people, who likes challenges. Thinking about my career and about my professional life, when I was 20 years old I decided to learn English. At the English school I learned the importance of being fluent in another language and more than that, I learned the importance of learning about other cultures… After 2 years studying there, I realized that unfortunately I couldn’t be fluent, neither know about American culture only at an English school, at least not the way I wanted.
Then, I searched about exchange programs and I found the Au Pair program, which is safe and involves care with children. I thought this was a wonderful opportunity to know that I could achieve my dreams of visiting and learning about the U.S. while taking care of children; since I’ve always liked them. So, better than that living with an American family, where I could really enter in the culture and language. That's why I’ve chose to be an Au Pair.
My experiences with children started when I was very young. I was 14 years old when I took care of a 4-year old girl for almost a year. She was my neighbor's daughter. I took care of her every day and I was responsible for preparing her lunch, helping with her bath, playing with her, and taking her to school.
ExcluirThereafter I helped for a long time at the church I attend to. There were a lot of children of all different ages and I was responsible for teaching them about the Bible, practicing some songs, supervising their games.
On weekends of 2012, I helped my friend taking care of his 5-year old son. In the beginning of last year, I helped another friend with his little daughter. At the end of 2013, I helped another friend with her daughter, a cute baby that was only one month old. These experiences ware all over my weekends because I work in a company and I had no time to help every day.
And my most recent experiences were with the children of a day care near to my house. I volunteered there for two weeks being responsible for helping them with their games, giving baby bottles, helping them to burp, supervising them during playtime, taking the children to bed. It was fun!
I think you should choose me as your Au Pair because I will take care of your children like they are my siblings... I am affectionate, energetic and I will do my best to be the best Au Pair you've ever had.
I hope to learn a lot about your culture from your country and teach you and the kids some of my culture as well. I am excited to beat my own challenges and to have the best year of my life while as an Au Pair. I’m looking forward to hearing back from you soon!
Priscila Borges
Oi Giii!! Aaa como vc é lindaaaa!! Eu não tinha encontrado ngm pra me ajudar a corrigir a carta, aí acabei fazendo sozinha... Agora ficou perfeitaaa... Vou ver se ainda dá pra editar no application! Obrigada pela ajuda... Beijinhos